Concert Band
Empty Portraits
Composed by
…the Haunted Mansion saga continues..
With this completion of the second movement of The Haunted Mansion trilogy, Canadian writer Matt Neufeld has added a mysterious work which can be played as a movement of the trilogy or as an evocative stand-alone piece. In this work, the listener is taken to a musical space reminiscent of a long, dark hallway hung with ornately framed portraits in which images flicker in and out. Unusual instrumentation including optional bowed vibraphone, high-register baritone saxophone, and a fair amount of dissonance help create the mood of mystery present in “Empty Portraits”.
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Product Number: GMM489
Price: $ 50.00
Duration: 3:56
Grade: Grade 1+
Instrumentation: Band
Extra Score Product Number: GMM
Extra Score Price: $0.00