Companions of the Crown

Concert Band

Companions of the Crown

Composed By

Gavin Lendt

Accompany the “Companions of the Crown” as they venture forth, promulgating the royal creed to spread justice and righteousness throughout the land. This grade 2 work for band is a march with a bit of fantasy flair and uses modal and minor keys to emphasize its medieval quality. The members of the “Companions of the Crown” are soldiers, scholars, philosophers and clergy. Themes representing each of these factions is interwoven throughout the music, and your students will be thoroughly engaged by this musical fantasy.
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Score for Companions of the Crown


(click on the PDF icon/s above to view/download score)


Product Number: GMM473

Price: $ 75.00

Duration: 4:48

Grade: Grade 2+

Extra Score Product Number: GMM473SC

Extra Score Price $ 10.00